Argyle and Grafton Shared Streetscape Wins APALA Award of Excellence


Fathom’s design and implementation of the Argyle and Grafton Shared Streetscape recently won an award from the Atlantic Provinces Association of Landscape Architects (APALA) in the category of Large-Scale Landscapes Designed by a Landscape Architect. 

The project reaffirms Argyle and Grafton as Halifax’s signature streets, on par with the city’s bustling waterfront as a place that draws in residents and visitors to eat, drink, relax, and celebrate. As the first shared street design in Atlantic Canada, the project tested construction methods, materials, and roadway operations previously not established in the region. It’s success demonstrates the importance of a landscape architecture-led team when re-imagining the public right-of-way.  

The jury of this competition commented that “the design is artfully crafted with clarity and simplicity, and employs technology and techniques that will help to ensure long term viability of the space… This project sets a high standard for future shared street projects in Halifax.”

Lexie Leggat