The City of Edmonton, Form:Media and Aaron Aubin Consulting Win Award of Merit for River Crossing Heritage Interpretive Plan


On October 1, 2018 The City of Edmonton together with Form:Media (now Fathom Studio) and Aaron Aubin Consulting Inc. were honoured with an award of merit from the Alberta Professional Planners Institute (APPI) for work on the River Crossing Heritage Interpretive plan for the City of Edmonton.

The plan seeks to bring together the layers of cultural, economic, spiritual and community histories of the area. River Crossing is a place that was used for thousands of years by Indigenous peoples, as a hub for trade in Fort Edmonton, the inauguration of the Province of Alberta and more recently, recreational, economic and industrial activities. Edmonton’s City Planning Branch, together with Form:Media and Aaron Aubin Consulting Inc. created the plan through the use of research, public engagement and stories of the area to create a plan that both celebrates the rich history of the area and welcomes the future.

The APPI regulates both public and private sector planners practicing in Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Through their awards the APPI seeks to promote communities that strike a balance between public and private, community and personal interests and create better communities for people to live and work.

John deWolfFathom Studio