Regional and Local Wayfinding and Placemaking

SEGD is a community of designers, fabricators and manufacturers who create experiences that connect people to place. The SEGD puts on 4–6 events a year, including an annual event that focusses on wayfinding and placemaking.

John deWolf (of then Form:Media) and Christian Daniels (of LA’s EGG Office) were paired  to speak in Los Angeles, July 19–20 on the topic of Regional and Local Wayfinding and Placemaking.  Mr. Daniels spoke to commercial placemaking, and the headquarters for Facebook, while Mr. deWolf spoke to cultural heritage landscapes.

SEGD members can listen to Johns presentation, Placemaking for Cultural Heritage Landscapes  as well as a dialogue with the SEGD’s, Justin Malloy, Christian Daniels, and John.